Governments in every country makes its own laws and regulations that may be allowed in another country. Here is a list of some of the most natural things but banned by the government of that country, prepare to be surprised. 1. Russia - Clothing EMO Banned The Russian government decided to put a ban on the use of clothing / fashion theme of EMO to reduce the number of suicides among teenagers. The government treats this for national stability. 2. Australia - Film with small fruits Banned One more peculiarity is the vulgar movie banned in Australia if the female has small breasts because the impression is it looks like a minor. 3. China - Avatar in 2D format Banned Strange is government still imposed a ban in China is boycotting movie Avatar in 2D format, because the government had reason if Avatar is suitable, only be enjoyed in 3D format. And because 3D Cinemas in China is very little, then this movie is not widespre...
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