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Showing posts from March, 2013

Tips on making man and woman happy

Well on the eve of Easter and April Fools day, you want to make your man or woman happy right ? Following are the tips on making it happen. Happy Easter and April Fools Day from HOW TO MAKE A MAN HAPPY 1. Feed him 2. Sleep with him 3. Leave him with peace 4. Don't check his phone (sms messages) 5. Don't bother him with his movements So whats so hard about that ? HOW TO MAKE A WOMAN HAPPY It's really not too difficult but.... To make a woman happy, a man only needs to be: 1. a friend 2. a companion 3. a lover 4. a brother 5. a father 6. a master 7. a chef 8. an electrician 9. a plumber 10. a mechanic 11. a carpenter 12. a decorator 13. a stylist 14. a sexologist 15. a gynecologist 16. a psychologist 17. a pest exterminator 18. a psychiatrist 19. a healer 20. a good listener 21. an organizer 22. a good father 23. very clean 24. sympathetic 25. athletic 26. warm 27. attentive 28. gallant 29. intell...

Womens logic are funny

Women's logic are sometimes funny for men and others.. ;)

Ebay secret language

Untested - defect No idea if it works - The part is total scrap Only worn once seemed hard to believe - I can not really see the part Is too big for me - Had to finally sort out grandmas old things Is too small for me - Over the years, one grows out of everything Rar - Is not it in the mom-and-pop store Collectible - Messie I collect everything See Figure (1) Either you see the same flaws or you've just been unlucky - (2) Today I my lazy day, but has nevertheless times Floor Fund - (1) taken for little money at the last garage sale - (2) Does not by me, the thing that I'm clean I know it is not - know me too well so from Used - Can you offer just barely Ebay charges I assume - but is purely calculated in the cost of packaging Buyer pays postage - at least! Retail price was 100 euros - Got it for 50 but by Grabbeltisch If I fell down during packing - Went off to me but cheap I've Packed it two weeks ago - Should it go gradually but once the post...

Elementary school students quotes

Confession of a elementary school teacher in Germany, some are really funny and hilarious ... I am a teacher of elementary school ... sometimes it can be very hard. Here are some examples of student essays that I've collected over the last 2 years: -The train stopped with a screech of brakes and the passengers evacuated on the platform. - "Last week, we took a field trip to Castle Wolfenstein, the class teacher, Miss Mueller joined us at this old ruin we saw the old chipped front and rear walls ... the loopholes.." By-state rooms, the Knights also had heated woman. -Everyone listened, as Luther in 1642 his 95 prostheses knocked at the Castle Church in Wittenberg. Caesar made ​​the stock fully and everyone stood at attention in his pile. Graf Zeppelin was the first to set sail in different directions. -The pasture is located high in the mountains. There is the shepherd, and the dairymaid. In the spring becomes distended, abortion in the fall. -Our school used ...

Thirty funny reasons why it's wonderful to be a man

Thirty funny reasons why it's wonderful to be a man ... 1. Phone calls only last 30 seconds. 2. For 5-day vacations you need only ONE suitcase. 3. You do not treat the sex life of your friends. 4. The queues at the toilet are 80% shorter. 5. Old friends, it does not matter whether you have increased or decreased. 6. If you are zapping through TV channels, you need not stop when you see someone crying. 7. Your org-as-ms are not faked. 8. You do not need you to hold the rock, if you go up a flight of stairs. 9. You do not go in groups to the toilet. 10. You can shower in the morning and be ready in 10 minutes. 11. During s-e-x, you must not be worried about your reputation. 12. Your underwear costs $ 20 in packs of three. 13. It makes anyone a thing when you're 34 and not married yet. 14. You can 90% of your time after getting in sex thinking. 15. You have three pairs of shoes which is more than enough. 16. You can take off your shirt easy if you...

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